Hurt people hurt people. When I think about the hurt I felt from what someone said or did to me, I recognize that it was not personal. I took it personally because I believed I was responsible for their behavior and tied my self-worth to how people treated me. Instead of taking what someone does personally, I take responsibility for how I feel and respond. Another person’s action is a reflection of them and not me.
You Are Not Responsible for Their Actions
The way someone treats you often says more about them than it does about you. When people belittle or hurt you, have you ever considered what might be happening in their lives? Often, people project their inner struggles onto others. Those who feel insecure may try to bring you down to feel better about themselves. Or maybe someone is just having a rough day and lashes out in frustration. It is natural to feel upset by their behavior but remember, you are not responsible for their actions.
Your Feelings Are Valid
Your feelings about how someone treats you are valid. As humans, we can be affected by the actions of others. However, while you are not responsible for how others behave, you are responsible for how you respond. This approach does not excuse poor behavior but empowers you to manage your emotions. For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic, you’re not responsible for their actions, but you are responsible for how you feel. By choosing not to take things personally, you are not making yourself accountable for another’s actions.
Recognize Their Limitations
You deserve respect and kindness, but not everyone can give you this. People cannot give what they don’t have. Instead of taking it personally, understand this indicates their limitations, not your self-worth. You are worthy even if someone is being rude to you. You are worthy even if someone doesn’t like you. Your worth is not dependent on how someone treats you. Your worth is always internal. Do not allow someone else actions to define you.
Manage Your Expectations
Another thing to consider is your expectations of how someone should behave. While I believe people should be respectful, kind, and considerate, I also recognize people’s limitations. Some people might find it difficult to be kind when they are hurting. Some people might not see the value in kindness. The way people behave is reflective of their beliefs, values, and experiences. I cannot control how someone behaves, but I can manage my expectations.
Reclaim Your Power
I am learning not to take things personally. I took things personally in the past because I blamed myself for other people’s behaviors, tied my self-worth to how people treated me, and had unmet expectations. Now, I am taking more control over what I am responsible for. I am in control over how I feel, respond, and behave. I realize by not taking things personally, I am reclaiming my power.