What Stage Is Your Relationship In?

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Singles anticipating a new relationship might fantasize about the honeymoon stage, but there are many stages of relationships. Navigating each stage of love can make or break a couple. Not everyone makes it to the final stage, which is essentially a commitment to spending life together. Here are the stages of relationships. 

The Honeymoon Stage

This stage often feels the most exciting for many couples and typically lasts up to 2 years. In this stage, you find yourself overwhelmed by positive emotions. You enjoy spending time with them. You miss them when they are gone. You can’t stop thinking about them. You have a strong attraction to them. You might see their faults, but they might not bother you.

The Crisis Stage

You may have heard of the seven-year itch. This stage often occurs after 5-7 years together. The excitement you felt in the beginning is wearing off. Those things you overlooked earlier are starting to create conflict in the relationship. This stage is the make-or-break-it stage. Being able to manage conflict is crucial at this stage. You either recognize your differences as an opportunity for deeper understanding or a sign of incompatibility. Although this stage can be challenging, it does not last forever.

The Commitment Stage

I choose you. This stage does not just happen when you say I do. It is a commitment to say I do to the relationship every day. You commit to being together through the ups and downs. Your relationship is stronger because of the challenges you have gone through. You have a strong understanding of your partner and a sense of security in the relationship. You are in for life. 

I Choose You

When it’s real, it’s forever. You know you have someone special when you can go through every stage together and still say I choose you. Although couples enjoy the honeymoon stage, it isn’t the only stage. Being able to adapt to every stage is the ultimate test of your commitment to each other.

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