Everyone has a comfort zone, but many people find it challenging to step outside of it. If you are not careful, you can allow your need for comfort to hold you back. Consequently, you might miss out on opportunities that can help you to grow. Or you might even miss out on having an exciting life. It is okay to feel uncomfortable, but do not allow it to get in the way of where you want to be. To experience love, success, and fulfillment, stepping out of your comfort zone is essential. While I acknowledge the importance of this, I also understand that it can be challenging. The key is to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
Accept The Discomfort
Some people stay in their comfort zone because they dislike feeling uncomfortable. It can be the fear of the unknown that holds them back. You might have a good life, but you want more. You want to feel fulfilled, but you are afraid of going after what you want because you do not want to be disappointed. You might even be bored with your day-to-day routine, but it is familiar. You would rather stay in what you know than what you do not know. The first step to leaving your comfort zone is accepting the discomfort.
What If?
You might want to try something new, but think, “What if I don’t like it? What if I have a bad experience? What if it does not go the way I planned? What if I fail?” These thoughts often give you a sense of control over the outcome, but you can not always control what happens. You can control your thoughts and, more importantly, which thoughts you focus on. Imagine if you replaced those negative scenarios with positive outcomes instead.
Shift Your Mindset
When you feel uncomfortable, it can be easy to imagine things going wrong. But have you ever considered that things can go well? Often, your anxiety can keep you safe from potential threats. But then there are other times it keeps you from your potential. The way you think affects the way you behave. If you want to feel more confident, it starts with thinking more helpful and positive thoughts. Replace “What if I fail”? with “What if I succeed?” “What if I have a bad experience?” with “What if I have a good experience?” When you have a more positive outlook, you can push past the discomfort to get where you want to be.
Develop a Growth Mindset
Although you can have a positive mindset, that does not guarantee that the outcome will go your way. Sometimes, you can have a positive outlook and be disappointed. I believe people stay in their comfort zone because they believe they can not handle the disappointment. That is known as a fixed mindset. Although you have limitations, you are capable of growth. You can develop your skills. You can change your mindset. You can change your behavior. You can go beyond who you are and become who you want to be. A growth mindset is allowing yourself to be better and do better.
Practice Self-Compassion
When you practice self-compassion, you build your self-esteem. When you have high self-esteem, you have confidence in yourself. This confidence is essential to getting out of your comfort zone. It is also important to embrace your imperfections. Instead of being critical of yourself, be more understanding of who you are. Sometimes, you might revert to what is familiar because it is more comfortable. Be patient with yourself because change takes time. Acknowledge your progress instead of focusing on being perfect.
Be Consistent
If you make stepping outside your comfort zone a habit, it can become second nature. It can start small, like ordering something new for lunch. We are creatures of habit and wire to like what is familiar. The good news is that the more we get out of our comfort zone, the more it becomes familiar. The more familiar it becomes, the easier it is to become a new habit. Consider small ways you can get out of your comfort zone regularly. Keep track of each time you step outside your comfort zone. Reflecting on these moments can help you feel more confident and motivated to try new things.
Remember Your Why
I know how challenging it is to get outside your comfort zone, and anxiety has often prevented me from being open to trying new things. When I feel anxious, I consider why I am taking action to get out of my comfort zone. I recognize that the desire to reach a goal or experience something new is worth the discomfort. I want a fulfilling life, which means stepping outside my comfort zone. It does not necessarily mean it is easy, but it does hold me accountable for creating the life I want. Consider what you value most and allow this to motivate you to step out of your comfort zone.
Final Thoughts
I have a confession. I wrote this post to help me get outside my comfort zone. I understand firsthand how hard it can be. I also recognize that I am capable of getting past the discomfort and I believe you can too. The first key is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You can do this by shifting your mindset, developing a growth mindset, practicing self-compassion, staying consistent, and remembering the why.