What Ways do You Self-Sabotage?

We all have dreams and goals that we want to achieve, but what if I told you the only person standing in between what you want is YOU. Self-sabotage is a common reason people don’t have the life they want. They find ways to sabotage what they desire. I want to help you identify ways you self-sabotage and help you to make choices that align with your values.

Signs of Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage behavior refers to intentional action (or inaction) that undermines people’s progress and prevents them from accomplishing their goals. Some signs of self-sabotage include:

  • Procrastination
  • Perfectionism
  • Not asking for help
  • Being inconsistent
  • Giving up prematurely
  • Not taking risks
  • Making excuses
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Ignoring red flags

Become Self-Aware

The purpose of creating this list is not to beat yourself up but to create awareness around your behaviors. You want to make sure your actions match what you desire. The first step is to recognize what behaviors contradict what you want. If you want a healthy relationship, consider ways your beliefs or behaviors undermine it. Do you ignore red flags? Do you make excuses for not putting yourself out there? Or do you believe you are unworthy of love? These questions can bring awareness to ways you self-sabotage.

Reasons You Self-Sabotage

Now that you can identify ways you self-sabotage, you might wonder why you do it. Here are some common reasons:

1. It Is Familiar

One reason we hold ourselves back is because it is familiar. For example, if you experience emotional neglect from your parents, you might find yourself drawn to emotionally unavailable people. You may want to be in a healthy relationship but ignore red flags. Your desire does not align with your action, and this is an example of self-sabotage.

2. Low Self-Esteem

Another reason people self-sabotage is because of low self-esteem. When you grow up as a child not getting your needs met, you might develop beliefs that you are not enough, there is something wrong with you, you can’t trust people, and you are unworthy of love. Although these beliefs are untrue, many people struggle to challenge them. When you do not challenge these beliefs, you allow them to get in the way of what you want.

3. Fear of Failure 

Failure is only temporary when you do not give up. The fear of failure can hinder you from going after what you want. Perhaps you are eager to launch a business, yet anxiety holds you back. Or you want to go back to school for an advanced degree but dread the difficulty of the coursework. Avoiding challenges and shying away from risks is often a sign you are afraid to fail.

4. Perfectionism

Self-sabotage is often rooted in perfectionism. One sign that perfectionism may be an obstacle is the mindset of all-or-nothing thinking, where you believe there is only failure and success. This perspective leads to setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, which can hinder your ability to achieve your goals.

Make A Change 

When you become aware, you have the power to change. Self-sabotage no longer has to get in the way of the dreams and goals you have for yourself. You can make choices that align with your values. It is not enough to want something. You must be willing to take action to get there. Consider the following questions:

  • What actions can I take to support my goals and desires? 
  • What patterns of behaviors are preventing me from succeeding? 
  • What beliefs do I need to challenge to feel worthy of success? 
  • What values do I need to prioritize more in my life? 
  • What is one choice I can make to achieve my goals?
  • What progress have I made to achieve my goals?

These questions can keep you in alignment with what you want. 

In Summary

Self-sabotage is a common way we hold ourselves back, but the good news is that you can shift. You can make a change and have what you want. It starts with you. Believe you are worthy of what you want and make choices that align with your values. 

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