Who Are You?

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When you think about who you are, think of it as a puzzle. Who you are represents the image, and the pieces represent the parts of you. The pieces are your interests, passions, goals, beliefs, strengths, and values. One thing for sure is that we are unique individuals and bring something special to the world.

You Are Unique

You are a unique individual. No one person has the same fingerprint. How unique you are extends beyond a physical attribute. You are unique in the things you love. You are unique in the values you hold. You are unique in the beliefs you have. You are unique in the goals you set. You are unique in the things you are good at. When you think of who you are, include all the pieces. Similarly to a puzzle, you cannot see the fullness of who you are without all the pieces.

The Pieces of the Puzzle

When you think about who you are, I understand the first thing that might come to your mind is what you do. But these are just small pieces to the puzzle. I want you to think about your qualities and not what you do. Consider your interests, hobbies, values, beliefs, and goals. These things represent a significant part of you. These are things you prioritize because they matter to you.

Choose Who You Want to Be

Who you are is more than what you do. Who you are is who you choose to be. Who you are is about knowing every part of you, from your strengths to your weaknesses. Being who you are is not about being perfect. It is more about being the best version of yourself. You can have weaknesses and still be worthwhile.

Who Are You?

I am a unique individual who loves to learn new things. I believe knowledge is power, and I enjoy sharing what I know with others. I am passionate about helping others and leaving an impact that extends beyond this generation. This is who I am. Who you are?

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